Hair Wigs And Weaves

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Maintain Your Full Lace Wig

Hair looks great when it is well maintained. However maintaining your hair, depending on its texture and density can be costly and take several hours. The beauty regimes of managing and beautifying your hair may seem to be justified with the end result. However, maintaining your full lace wig is not as costly, less time consuming and achieves a more fulfilling, cost effective and timely result.
Many people who are new to full lace wigs fail to understand that even though it is not their natural hair, many of them are developed from real human hair and require as much attention to detail and proper care and maintenance. Full lacewigs will tend to shed and will obviously never grow back. Due to this delicate nature of the product, it is essential to take great care of your lacewig with proper washing, conditioning and brushing it gently.
To give a long lasting shine and softness to your wig, there are a lot of shampoos on the market that is basically formulated just for use on full lace wigs. Before using shampoo, it is very important to make sure that you have removed as well as detangled your wig, this makes it not just easier for you to clean your wig but more manageable when it is dry. Never put the shampoo directly on the wig, instead use a bubble bath of shampoo and water in a basin to sweep and soak the wig for a few minutes. Along with gentle handling, ascertain that all the shampoo has been taken out by allowing your wig to be placed under moderate flow of cold running water.
After you have shampooed your full lace wig, it is always best to proceed with conditioning it. The best way to do so is by still using mild conditioner and soaking it the same way as you did previously when shampooing it. Let it sit in the mixture for quite some time based on the need of the wig to be softened and conditioned. When all is set, don't rinse it off!
Unlike what we do to our hair, conditioners for full lace wigs are made to stay on the wig and not washed off. You can now dry it off by placing it on a towel and let it stay in between the towel instead for it to be patted dry. If you choose to go beyond this, you can place leave on conditioner for wigs after which you continue patting till it's dried up. If you wish to air dry the full lace wig, you can clip it carefully on the front part with a t-pin. Leave it to air dry under the heat of the sun or inside the house, but never place it in-front of a fan as it will make the hair lace wig tangled.
It is important to treat your full lace wig as well as you would treat your own natural hair. Washing, conditioning and brushing it gently are critical steps required for proper maintenance and paying meticulous attention to details on how to care for your lace wig will surely pay off.

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  1. Thanks for sharing such useful information to maintain your full lace wig. keep sharing..
    Human Hair Wigs San Diego

  2. Thanks. I heard that dryer is better not used after washing the lace wig.
